Bentley HAMMER CONNECT Edition Help

Infrastructure and Risk Management

HAMMER provides input to operation procedures to increase infrastructure life and reduce the risk of service interruptions in the following ways:

  • Reduce wear and tear from pressure cycling due to rapid industrial demand changes, incorrect control-valve operations, or water-column separation.
  • Reduce the risk of pipe breaks, leaks, and unaccounted-for water (UFW) by optimizing normal and emergency procedures to minimize transient pressure shock waves. This will also minimize transient thrust forces.
  • Verify thrust block designs using time-dependent load vectors. Transient forces are a more rigorous design basis than the conventional method, whereby thrust blocks are sized to resist steady-state forces. Transient thrust can be orders of magnitude greater than steady state thrust. Transient thrust can also change direction as flows and pressures oscillate and dampen to the new steady-state.
  • Predict overflows at outfalls or spills to the environment more accurately.
  • Manage the risk of contamination during subatmospheric transient pressures, which can suck air, dirt, and contaminants into your system.